2015年4月26日 星期日

HOT SHARE: 太好了!癌症終於被破解了!?沒想到居然只要這幾味藥方...緊急轉發!十萬火急!

HOT SHARE: 太好了!癌症終於被破解了!?沒想到居然只要這幾味藥方...緊急轉發!十萬火急!:  今天一位十幾年沒見的朋友請我們去吃飯,吃完在他公司閒聊時無意中說起他一個朋友的父親得了癌症,被醫生宣布只能回家等死了,有人送來了一個偏方,家人就是:死馬只當活馬醫,試著吃起了這個方子,沒想到吃了幾貼就有了起色,就接著吃下去,現在已經是複查也查不出病症狀了!於是這個...

Artful Women: Sandra Poteet

Artful Women: Sandra Poteet: I am always experimenting with ways to use fabrics to create something unique. My preference is to use old clothing and other re-purposed f...

Artful Women: Joan Dyer

Artful Women: Joan Dyer: My fabric art is created entirely by an intuitive process, with which I build my designs fairly quickly and freely.  I learned tradition...

Mountain Art Quilters: First Challenge Reveal of 2015. The challenges we...

Mountain Art Quilters: First Challenge Reveal of 2015. The challenges we...:   Inspired by a Book or a Poem "Claire" 45" x 43" Sandra Bruce  Best Color/Value "Transparency&q...

Bolsa Térmica

2015年4月11日 星期六

Episode 102 - Design Ideas

羊毛とおはな - 白いキャンバス

Free Motion Quilting HD Frances Moore

Free Motion Quilting HD Frances Moore

How to Baste and Hand Quilt with Aurifil 12 weight by Jen Kingwell - Fat...

Selvage Blog: Wabi Sabi Quilt is Finished!

Selvage Blog: Wabi Sabi Quilt is Finished!: And the pattern is finished too! This is a raw-edge machine applique quilt. The final task is trimming off all the loose threads after...

Geta's Quilting Studio: Triple Pouch - opinions, please!

Geta's Quilting Studio: Triple Pouch - opinions, please!: I love sewing pouches. I made many Little Wonders , Twice as Nice or sweet lace pouches . And now without too much thinking, I made a trip...

Make a Soft Pillow Quilt! Quilting with Cuddle Cloth (Minky Fabric)

2015年4月3日 星期五

辣媽Shania: 好吃的台式蛋塔~

辣媽Shania: 好吃的台式蛋塔~:  幾乎在很多台式的烘焙店裡面 都看的到蛋塔, 有些餐廳的甜點也會賣, 我喜歡蛋塔, 但是總是會吃到我不愛的太重的奶油香...我猜應該是人造奶油 或是香精的味道, 香的很不自然, 之後 我就不太愛買了.

++birchfabrics: Tutorial | Everyday Apron | by Heidi Staples | Fea...

birchfabrics: Tutorial | Everyday Apron | by Heidi Staples | Fea...: Today, we are ecstatic to welcome back Heidi of The Fabric Mutt .  She is sharing an adorable Everyday Party Apron tutorial with us, to ce...