2014年8月30日 星期六
Freemotion by the River: Vintage Singers
Freemotion by the River: Vintage Singers: Yesterday I decided to load a quilt on the frame.....I have no idea why I don't always keep a quilt loaded. Once I get this done it se...
Canadian Quilting CQA/ACC: Meet Another CQA/ACC Board Member
Canadian Quilting CQA/ACC: Meet Another CQA/ACC Board Member: “Whatever you do, do with your might. Things done in halves are never done right!” This rhymi...
2014年8月29日 星期五
2014年8月28日 星期四
lerusisik: Just another UFO finished!
lerusisik: Just another UFO finished!: D Im Jahr 2005 habe ich einen Anfall von Recycling bekommen und habe einige alte Tischdecken zu einem sehr traditionellen und ziemlich l...
lerusisik: Here Fishy Fishy
lerusisik: Here Fishy Fishy: D Für unsere Taschen-Challenges wird die Zeit großzügig zugemessen: für die "Wasserwelten"-Challenge hatten wir 2 Monate Frist....
lerusisik: Fishy goes abroad
lerusisik: Fishy goes abroad: D Hier ist eine Seite aus einem japanischen Handarbeitszeitschrift Cotton Time 3/2014: E Here is the page from the Japanese craft magaz...
2014年8月27日 星期三
Näähglück by Sophie Kääriäinen: Einen frohen Muttertag! Mit einem Freebook für euc...
Näähglück by Sophie Kääriäinen: Einen frohen Muttertag! Mit einem Freebook für euc...: Hallo ihr Lieben! Ich habe es euch im Facebook ja versprochen, und trotz krankem Kind habe ich es dennoch geschafft, für euch ein kleines ...
mama says sew: Oops-A-Daisy Dress
mama says sew: Oops-A-Daisy Dress: Thanks to everyone who stopped by during Just Sew week. Weren't there some amazing ideas? I had so much fun looking at all the posts t...
2014年8月26日 星期二
2014年8月22日 星期五
she can quilt: Elizabeth's Easy Y-seams - a 2013 FAL Tutorial
she can quilt: Elizabeth's Easy Y-seams - a 2013 FAL Tutorial: Today's tutorial is from the talented Elizabeth, who blogs at Ocassional Piece - Quilt . Elizabeth is an experienced quilter with ...
manka: új mankák
manka: új mankák: Új mankák a meska boltomban! A fenti négyen kívül van még új, pompomos és cseresznyemintás is. Újakat találtok a Pozsonyi Pagonyban, a Rodo...
2014年8月21日 星期四
Kwilty Pleasures: CRAYON COMMUTE
Kwilty Pleasures: CRAYON COMMUTE: The school bells are ringing as kids head back to school What better ride than via a "Crayon Commute" My commute began ...
Sew Kind Of Wonderful: Blog Hop Day 3!!
Sew Kind Of Wonderful: Blog Hop Day 3!!: It's day 3 of the Blog Hop and the last day of our 3 day sale ! Remember if you want to join our Curve it Up Challenge QAL the be...
Maureen Cracknell Handmade: this week's sewing time
Maureen Cracknell Handmade: this week's sewing time: It's the last week of Summer vacation and so, since Monday, I've only been taking the sewing time I need to fill my etsy orders, wh...
Selvage Blog: Kristy's Ferris Wheel Quilt
Selvage Blog: Kristy's Ferris Wheel Quilt: Dianne made this Ferris Wheel quilt for her daughter's friend Kristy. It's a gift in memory of Kristy's mother. Dianne&#...
Sew Me Something Good: You could win a Quilt Kit!
Sew Me Something Good: You could win a Quilt Kit!: It seems that in the midst of all the canning I've been doing, I missed passing this information on to you. I wouldn't want you to ...
Emmaline Bags: Sewing Patterns and Purse Supplies: How to Sew a Zipper Opening in Your Purse or Handb...
Emmaline Bags: Sewing Patterns and Purse Supplies: How to Sew a Zipper Opening in Your Purse or Handb...: Time for another tutorial! I've just finished adding instructions for a zipper opening into my Teardrop Bag pattern , and thought - H...
2014年8月17日 星期日
Moldes Moda por Medida: SACO FÁCIL DE CORTAR- 27
Moldes Moda por Medida: SACO FÁCIL DE CORTAR- 27: Bolsa com molde para costurar. Para confecionar este modelo necessita de 70 cm. O forro pode ser cortado com o mesmo molde. Use um t...
2014年8月16日 星期六
Podunk Pretties: Cherry Blossom Marmalade Tutorial
Podunk Pretties: Cherry Blossom Marmalade Tutorial: Good Monday morning! I'm so glad to be linking up with Judy over at Patchwork Times and Free Motion by the River today. Hop on over...
Color Me Quilty: Board Basting?
Color Me Quilty: Board Basting?: Nope, not a typo (although, I sometimes do get bored while basting, not my favorite part of quilting). I'm constantly looking for new wa...
2014年8月15日 星期五
2014年8月14日 星期四
2014年8月13日 星期三
2014年8月12日 星期二
Aventures Textiles: Sac crochet
Aventures Textiles: Sac crochet: Ce qui était prévu au départ. Changement de cap ! un scrumble, tricotin et petits motifs free.
2014年8月11日 星期一
elevenses with Mrs L: All Around Zip Tutorial
elevenses with Mrs L: All Around Zip Tutorial: I've just finished making a travel wallet with an all-around zip as part of a custom order and I thought you might like to know h...
elevenses with Mrs L: All Around Zip Tutorial
elevenses with Mrs L: All Around Zip Tutorial: I've just finished making a travel wallet with an all-around zip as part of a custom order and I thought you might like to know h...
2014年8月10日 星期日
2014年8月8日 星期五
J Wo sews: look at that doggie in the window
J Wo sews: look at that doggie in the window: For a long time I didn't like dogs. It probably had a lot to do with the big dogs that scared me when I was a kid. I still have vivid ...
lanusa: 186
lanusa: 186: Hoy os anunciamos una nueva fecha para nuestro taller que mas nos gusta, el de alpargatas! Y es que las alpargatas están de m...
lanusa: 187
lanusa: 187: Hace unos meses DMC España se puso en contacto con nosotras para regalarnos un montón de madejas de hilo Mouliné a ca...
2014年8月6日 星期三
2014年8月4日 星期一
2014年8月3日 星期日
RoAguiar: UMA BOLSA PRA CHAMAR DE MINHA: Olá meninas, como foi o fim-de-semana? Tudo ótimo espero. Aqui foi dia de muito trabalho no jardim (ainda) e não acabou, ufa! E...
RoAguiar: CORUJAS, CORUJAS , MUITOS MOLDES PARA QUEM CURTE E...: Bom dia, pessoal! Tive que voltar ao tema das corujas apesar de já termos falado muito delas em outro post ( Corujas - Elas vão i...
2014年8月2日 星期六
2014年8月1日 星期五
facebook-like: 風水學,終於找到了,不收藏後悔! 別錯過哦!
facebook-like: 風水學,終於找到了,不收藏後悔! 別錯過哦!: 【生活中的風水不得不注意】 1、客廳不宜陰暗,不利招財; 2、地板不宜高低不平,否則運勢也會坎坷; 3、魚缸不宜過大; 4、客廳不適宜掛猛獸圖:如龍、虎、豹、鷹、狐、熊等,易使家人健康運勢受損; 5、不宜在屋內擺放假花假草,影響戀情婚姻和財運; 6、床頭不宜裝...
VROOMANS QUILTS: Wake Up to Kona Blog Hop
VROOMANS QUILTS: Wake Up to Kona Blog Hop: Thank you Madame Samm - Sew We Quilt and Carol - Just Let Me Quilt for this fabulous blog hop. Of course we can'...
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